Data upload on 08/30/2018 - 08:35 by

Submitted by andrew.farrow on


Name person uploading the data
Andrew Farrow
Date of data collection
Markets Common Bean Soybean Groundnuts
Short description of the content of the data

Output markets for legumes in Uganda

Access to markets for grain legumes is seen as a pre-requisite for increasing the adoption of improved legume varieties, inputs and practices that can increase productivity. Successful engagement with markets has many components including access to information, and the ability to meet market demands for quality and quantity. Physical access to markets is an important pre-requisite for successful engagement with output markets and can be mapped or modeled and used to stratify regions into areas with poor and good access.

Unzip this file and open the Uganda N2Africa Markets.kmz file in the Google Earth software (you can download this software here )

Data type
GIS data