Printing the Training of Trainers 180 page flip Chart

Submitted by marcel.lubbers on
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Kenton Dashiell
Assigned to
Robert, Abdullahi, Freddy, Bernard, Judith, Anne and Steve
Delivery & Dissemination->Farmer/Partner Training task set


All Countries

Needs Action


Training material

Early last year we had a Training of the Trainers course in Kisumu.  Freddy, Abdullahi and Saidou will remember that we used training materials prepared by Paul.  This is published in a ring binder with bold print and I will send it to each of you by DHL on April 20.

Your task is to make sure you have excellent training material to train your trainers.  These people need to then be able to train your lead farmers.  If you have 20 farmers per lead farmer and you need to reach 10,000 famers then you will need 10,000/20 = 500 lead farmers.  So, if you have 10 people that are well trained so that they can each  train lead farmers then each of them can train 50 lead farmers.  Or if you have 50 people that are well trained they can each train 10 lead farmers.

By 26 April I need you to send me your plan on how you will prepare and print the training materials you need for your training of the trainer workshops in your country.